Dark side of Zodiac signs

Horoscope Signs
7 min readNov 9, 2020


Each sign of Zodiac has its positive and negative personality traits. You’ve probably heard of Libra’s vanity, Taurus hedonism, or Pisces drinking problems.

Dark side of Zodiac signs

Find out what the dark sides of your Zodiac sign are by reading this funny article.

Aries (March 21st — April 19th)

An aggressive manipulator who cries and whines every time something isn’t his way. He is impatient and tactless, and someone who quickly gives up. They are loud and annoying, real noisemakers who talk a lot and say nothing. Men are obsessed with sex, but seduction is not their strong side. They would rather go back in time, when they could beat the woman on the head with a club, carry her over their shoulders and take her to their cave. Aries women are looking for an exciting alpha male for a partner, but somehow they always run into a henpecked who, in fear of her outbursts of anger, can only say “yes dear”.

Taurus (April 20th — May 20th)

Annoying and lazy people who only think about eating and drinking. Their lives revolve around breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks between meals. It is impossible to get them out of their houses, since emptying the fridge and lying in front of the TV are their only hobbies. They dislike changes and stubbornly persist in their opinions, even if it is clear to everyone around them that they are wrong. They are lazy and sluggish, but if anyone dares to object them, they will get offended and cool off the relationships. Taurus likes to spend money on himself and on delicious food that he’ll eat himself, and don’t expect him to be a good host who will entertain you. He is a stubborn miser who keeps fine specialties and quality drinks for himself, and you can be happy if he offers you a can of cola.

Gemini (May 21st — June 20th)

Big chatterboxes who couldn’t shut up even if their lives depended on it. They are annoying and tire people to death with their endless stories. Geminis see themselves as a top entertainer who should be in show business. They are good at telemarketing, selling, offering people unnecessary stuff, and generally at all jobs that involve harassing people. Geminis also do well in politics, as they are shameless people who have no morals at all. As a friend, they are nightmares because you can’t rely on them. If you’re not interesting, they’ll find a new best friend, who will have the patience for their endless stories and gossips, until he realizes that’s the only thing the superficial Gemini knows how to talk about.

Cancer (June 21st — July 22nd)

This is the most sensitive and emotional Zodiac sign who cries at just about anything. Even, if you just give them a grim look, you will have to apologize to them for days and convince them that you didn’t mean anything bad. You will recognize the Cancer by the teary eyes and handkerchiefs that are always at hand because you never know when he will experience a new emotional breakdown. They like to think of themselves as considerate and caring people who often take care of others. But what Crabs consider to be attention, the environment sees it as obsessive behavior and even stalking. They think of the world as a cruel place full of suffering, and to keep that off their mind, they like to find comfort in a glass or two. The real truth is that they are lazy people who like to eat and drink and use every opportunity to satisfy their hedonistic aspirations.

Leo (July 23rd — August 22nd)

The arrogant Leo is convinced that he is God-given, and if he isn’t in the center of attention, he experiences a nervous breakdown. He is so caught up in himself and his greatness, so he often doesn’t listen to others at all and doesn’t notice what is happening around him. If you are a masochist and a loser whose goal is to be with someone whom you’ll constantly satisfy, flatter, and in return get nothing at all, Leo is the ideal person for you. Lions like to point out how generous and helpful they are, but the truth is that everything they do, they do for recognition and gratitude. If they help you or give you something, you will have to express your gratitude to the grave and tell them how great and wonderful they are.

Virgo (August 23rd — September 22nd)

In a really fierce competition, Virgo managed to take the title of the most boring zodiac sign. She is constantly complaining about something and criticizing, so it’s really weird that there are people around her who will put up with all the drama. Virgos often say they complain only because they strive for perfection. They are so frustrated and vicious that complaining and criticizing come as their occupation and favorite hobby. They are obsessed with cleanliness, health, and hygiene, which are the only topics they know to talk about. If you are looking for someone to cheer you up or comfort you, avoid grumpy Virgin by any cost.

Libra (September 23rd — October 22nd)

The narcissistic Libra spends most of her time in front of the mirror, admiring her beauty and rapturous smile. Being extremely beautiful, she gets almost everything thanks to her beauty. As she gets older that becomes more and more difficult. The dream of these Zodiac sloths is to get married wealthy and do nothing till the rest of their lives. They irritate the environment with their laziness, and also go crazy by constantly seeking advice about everything, since they are not able to make any decisions.

Scorpio (October 23rd — November 21st)

An evil manipulator who sees only the negative sides of everything and spoil the mood for everyone around him. They are extremely intelligent but use their wits to destroy those who they don’t like. Scorpions never forget when someone has wronged them, and there is a small chance to forgive you. If you do something humiliating to them, or even look at them wrong, they’ll invest all their energy in planning revenge. They are jealous and possessive, so they regularly spy on their love partner, check his cell phone, and read messages on Facebook. Scorpios are so obsessed with sex that real sex maniacs are often found among them. Those who do not try to drag you to bed will drown you with stories of death, ghosts, past life, and other things that do not interest a normal person but represent an eternal source of inspiration to the dark Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22nd — December 21st)

They can be very blunt in expressing their opinions, not thinking before they say something. They are lazy, but they like a comfortable life, so they often cling to those who are more capable and richer than themselves, who provide them with the means to live. Life coaches, whisperers of dogs, cats, and hamsters, as well as various fortune tellers are often born in this sign, as these jobs allow them to deceive the environment, talk a lot and get money without any effort. They are very chatty and tiring, and often have a strange, childish sense of humor that no one but them understands. They like to say that they are philosophers with the soul of a poet, but in fact, they are idlers and losers who would rather harass people by philosophizing on “deep” topics than get to work.

Capricorn (December 22nd — January 19th)

A stubborn tightass who would rather give a kidney than lend someone some money, so don’t turn to him if you need a loan. His main goal in life is to spend as little money as possible, so he often eats at friends’ or relatives’, wears second hand clothes, and brags about it. The fact that others feel sorry for him does not touch him at all, because he may be in rags, but he has gold bars in the bank and savings that others can dream of. In addition to being stingy, Capricorn is also a true hater who finds everything around him stupid and boring. Pessimistic, cynical, and mocking, he spoils everyone’s schedule, so he is only tolerated by those who secretly hope to leave them some money after death, which never happens because Capricorn carries his money with him to the grave.

Aquarius (January 20th — February 18th)

False humanists and altruists whose life dream is to establish a sect of which they will be the leader. In this way, they will do what they love the most — earn big money on naive weaklings, and an additional benefit is that as a cult leader they will be able to make love with all handsome members. They often dream of becoming an abstract painter, sculptor, or performer. At times, you might find them a little stupid and brainless too. These people are emotionless and will try their best to hurt their opponents. However, they are very straight forward which they consider as their strength.

Pisces (February 19th — March 20th)

A loser and a loafer who lives in the false belief that he is a poet and a romantic. But his sign is indeed the most ordinary idler who prefers to write poems and read poetry with a glass in his hand than to get to work and do something useful for himself and his family. These people can’t do a single day without alcohol. Under the influence of drinks, they do stupid things, although there’s a big chance they would do it even in a sober state. Unable to distinguish reality from imagination, they often fall in love with someone whose picture have seen on Facebook. Many who stalk, send a threatening letter, or otherwise harass an innocent environment are born under this very sign, so keep this in mind when you are introduced to people under the sign of Pisces.



Horoscope Signs

Astrology lovers can discover a great deal of fun and relevant information about themselves and others through horoscope signs