How do Zodiac signs deal with the situation caused by Pandemic

Horoscope Signs
5 min readNov 10, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic brought us many fears and changes. Find out how your Zodiac sign is dealing with it, and what you should do to make the situation more bearable.

COVID-19 virus


They are always on the move and living life to the fullest. The pandemic destroyed all their plans and left them in an ‘empty’ enclosed space with too much energy they can’t expend. Despite this, they are still optimistic and find activities that entertain them as much as needed. In fact, they have no problem with loneliness, but they’re having a hard time dealing with being closed.

Recommendation for Aries: Take walks, regardless of the weather. Visit animal shelters, many of you might start volunteering, while respecting all protection measures.


They love their solitude and enjoy staying at home, which is their refuge anyway. They are well equipped and if the world runs out of toilet paper, their friends know Taurus have it. It’s simply because they like to have supplies so they can feel secure.

Recommendation for Taurus: Reorganize and rearrange your closets by arranging 40 cans of tuna according to the expiration date, which has a calming effect on people under this sign.


These people are true information junkies. They are watching TV and at the same time searching the internet to find the latest news. Their life purpose is to inform people and pass on all the information and knowledge they have gathered. If they run out of the news, they will kill time with crosswords and puzzles, which calm them down.

Recommendation for Gemini: Do your best to cope with this extraordinary set of circumstances, keep up to date with the news, and follow the new precautions. Just in case, find some interesting hobbies.


They feel overwhelmed and worried about everything and everyone. This uncertainty drives them crazy and their biggest fear is that they are unable to protect loved ones. Crabs need to remind themselves that they are greater than their fears and they need to do whatever is possible to stay healthy and positive. Staying at home and taking care of their household can give them peace and calmest.

Recommendation for Cancer: Cooking a pot of soup and sharing it with others keeps you focused and reduces the feeling of worry and fear. Just be careful not to overdo it and dedicate a little time to yourself, because that’s the only way you can take care of others.


Once they realize that they can use their natural leader line to their advantage, everything will be much easier. They can be someone who will pass important information to inform people (they can alway consult with Gemini and Virgo about it). When Leo speaks, people just listen. And let’s be honest — they love that attention.

Recommendation for Leo: Social distancing is a lot harder than you thought it would be, but this is an opportunity to connect emotionally with the people you care about.


Virgo is thrilled that everyone is finally washing their hands and maintaining hygiene just like them. In fact, they should be warned not to overdo it, because it is enough to disinfect their hands and things around them once, twice, or maybe three times, but they need to learn when to stop. It’s okay to wash your hands, but do not peel the skin from them. Their biggest role in this situation is reminding people to maintain hygiene, in which they are experts.

Recommendation for Virgo: You are proud of your work efficiency and productivity. You strive to make everything normal, regardless of the pandemic. Be careful to set clear boundaries when working from home, as you will find it difficult to maintain a balance between business and private life.


Libra hates social distancing and isolation. There is panic if she can’t socialize when and with whom she wants. To keep in touch with people they use social media, email, and phone. Skype or Zoom are ideal tools for virtual entertainment, so they often make an effort around the organization. This is an ideal time because you can drink coffee from your armchair and still have fun with people.

Recommendation for Libra: As the days go by, it’s getting harder to stay afloat, you begin to feel uncomfortable because everything you’re used to is disappearing and life is becoming uncertain. So you need to find a way to relax and enjoy yourself.


Pessimistic thoughts go through his head constantly and he can’t help but think about the darkest scenarios. Obsessively follow the news and these people are convinced that the situation is not in their favor. For them, the problem is not social distance, but constant stress. In such a situation, people become suspicious and paranoid and it’s difficult to relax.

Recommendation for Scorpio: If you trade on the stock exchange, be careful, or seek the advice of experts, because at this time the stock market is ‘going crazy’.


It’s still hard for them to deal with the situation caused by a coronavirus, they’d rather skip it somehow and not think of it. Most of the time, they fantasize about next year and getting out of this whole thing. They dream of a day when they will leave this nightmare behind, but they should face reality and be sure to do whatever it takes to stay healthy and feel well.

Recommendation for Sagittarius: You will somehow cope with this whole situation, but don’t forget to go out and walk around the neighborhood and connect with nature, which will make you calmer.


They have the feeling that all the weight of the world is on their shoulders, and the four riders of the apocalypse — Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto — are riding through their sign. Everything seems gloomy and ruined to them. But they should keep in mind that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. If they follow the World Health Organisation instructions and recommendations, everything will be just fine.

Recommendation for Capricorn: This situation has created a mess in your daily life, especially in your work schedule and it’s difficult for you to continue. You should take time for a much-needed break and connect with yourself.


They are flexible and independent, which allows them to cope well with this situation. However, their heart is with those who are less fortunate, and they want to change something and help those in need. They’re not used to restricted freedom and they are trying to stick to the faith that everything will pass soon. Deep down, they actually suspect this is all a conspiracy.

Recommendation for Aquarius: Your big advantage is that you can stay cool and reasonable. Don’t let anything disturb you.


They are very empathic and emotional people. The whole situation makes them feel as if the end of the world has come and that it is their end, too. They are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. They should take a deep breath and tell themselves that everything is going to be OK.

Recommendation for Pisces: Now is the right time to focus on your mental health and find some distraction to somehow get through this difficult situation. Meditation, yoga, or some other calming activities will help you to relax.



Horoscope Signs

Astrology lovers can discover a great deal of fun and relevant information about themselves and others through horoscope signs