Parenting style based on Zodiac sign
What does the Zodiac sign tell you about your parenting style?
How do you handle your kids? Are you too permissive, uninvolved, authoritative, or maybe authoritarian?

Read this article and discover the strengths and the weaknesses of your zodiac parenting style.
Aries as a parent is strict but fair. A child sometimes finds him too demanding, but he should listen to the parent because he only wants what’s best for the child. Aries parent asks the child to be persistent, in order to achieve the best results. Sometimes he raises children too strictly. A parent in the sign of Aries can get easily angry and frustrated. He needs to learn how to control his temper and not to demand too much from a child because his ambitions are not the ambitions of a child. Thanks to Aries’s natural leadership skills, he can be a great role model for the child.
A parent born in the sign of Taurus constantly fears that the child is not hungry, thirsty, that he is missing something. These parents are always trying to create an ideal environment and lifestyle for their child. If in later years the child does not achieve material security, the parent Taurus will constantly help him, in all ways. Or he’ll find him a job. Taurus will never allow his family to live in poverty. Taurus parents should avoid spending too much money indulging their child’s every wish. They must be careful not to spoil their child by giving him everything he/she wants.
Gemini parents are interesting, nice and cheerful. Sometimes they can be more childish than a child. Some Geminis won’t even have children because they are aware of how frivolous they are. Those who do have children will always have time to talk to them, no matter how busy they are. They will also read to the children often and encourage them to spend time with relatives and friends from school. Education is very important to this Zodiac sign.
Cancer is always worried about something. Is the child hungry, is he cold? Does he have everything he needs? Even when it’s all well, he worries. He overthinks the child’s feelings, interests, and he can often be overprotective. To a Cancer there is nothing more important than his family, and safe and warm home life. This sign find lots of pleasure in being a mom or dad, but he has to remember that he deserves some alone time, too.
Leo parent can be playful and very open-minded. Leo parents believe in raising their children to be competitive and ambitious.. He enjoys life, and always tries to see positive in everything. A Lion mum or dad will encourage a child to be a good person, and the child will always be aware of his qualities, and possibilities. Leo will stir up the child’s energy and strengthen his character with praise. This sign never shows his feelings with words, but with gestures and gifts. Favourite activity for Leos is taking vacations or weekend trips with the whole family.
Virgo parent is very strict and often complicated. These parents tend to have high standards for their children and for themselves. Everything must be perfect, and his child is infallible and the best. If he happens to disagree with the child, he will demonstratively leave, but he might be surprised with his child’s reaction. If you are a Virgo parent, do not put too much pressure on children to study and work.
Libra parent will not allow indecent behavior or such dressing. His major worry is the child’s future. This sign thinks the most important thing is to find a good partner and get married. Libra parents will teach their children tolerance, and acceptance of the diversity of others. They are good at creating a beautiful, homely environment for their children. Libra parents have to learn how to find the right balance between boundaries and freedom.
Scorpio parent sees and knows everything. No one can hide anything from him, because he will check everything until he is sure that nothing is hidden from him. Scorpio parent raises resilient, independent, self-confident kids, formed by a combination of strong role-modeling and a tough parenting approach. He does not allow the child to “boil”. A Scorpio will teach the child to be strong and to stand up for his beliefs. He is always on the watch, even when a child is no child anymore. The most important thing for him is that his kid is secured.
Sagittarius parent allows the child to be free as much as he can. As parents, they are often spontaneous and enjoy taking their children exploring new places and getting some cultural education. Without prohibitions, with the greatest fulfillment of wishes, the parent under this sign are often childish and give their children a lot of attention and correcting wherever needed. Faculty is extremely important for these parents, so as sports and other activities.
Capricorn parent is often very strict. He knows how to control everything, to have authority, and that is very important in raising a child. Always a good counselor and does not interfere in everything, except when a child asks him. Capricorn demands discipline, control, and responsibility. This can intimidate the child. Some children respond well to this sort of upbringing and can inspire them to achieve great success. But some kids can crack under the pressure of not being able to meet their parent’s expectations.
Unlike Sagittarius parent, Aquarius might have some unconventional parenting methods. This sign puts a lot of trust in the child. To satisfy the parent, the child must set goals for himself and fulfill them. It’s important to remember that a child is just a child who sometimes needs some coddling every once in a while.
Pisces parent pretends to see nothing but sees everything. He feels the child’s need and does not press him, but lets him be what he is. This parenting style can lead either to a perfect upbringing or to a completely opposite effect. Mostly, the child will be focused on some activities and hobbies. Pisces parent gives the child unconditional support and doesn’t hesitate in going the extra mile for his child.